Preaching Videos
- Roger Spradlin - "Hosea-A Strange Love Story"
- Roger Spradlin - "Joel-A Unique Perspective on Suffering"
- Roger Spradlin - "Amos-The Country Preacher"
- Roger Spradlin - "Obadiah-The Acceptable Sin"
- Roger Spradlin - "Jonah-Second Chance"
- Roger Spradlin - "Micah-What Does God Want From Me"
- Roger Spradlin - "Naham-God Is Good and Angry"
- Roger Spradlin - "Habakkuk-Questioning God"
- Roger Spradlin - "Zephaniah-God's Tough Love"
- Roger Spradlin - "Haggai-Consider Your Ways"
- Roger Spradlin - "Zechariah-The King is Coming"
- Roger Spradlin - "Malachi-Living in the Twilight"
- "Final Word Before the Lord Returns" – Carter Conlon
- Charles Stanley - "Walking in the Holy Spirit"
- Chuck Smith - "Baptism of the Holy Spirit"
- Adrian Rogers - "The Beginning of the End"
- Dr. Baruch Korman - "God Promises Blessings"
- "Fear Not, Neither Be Dismayed" - Carter Conlon
- The Holy Spirit & Power - Allen Jackson
- E.V.Hill - "How To Get Out of the Mess You're In"
- Charles Stanley - "How to Be Sure of God's Will"
- Adrian Rogers - "Learning to Share Jesus"
- "Spiritual Warfare" - Billy Graham
- "All Our Anxieties - Part 1" - Charles Stanley
- Adrian Rogers - "Family Faith"
- “Buy the Truth” - Pastor Allen Jackson
- Steve Gaines - "When God Became Man"
- Charles Stanley - "PATIENCE"
- Carter Conlon - "Get to the Place of Moses"
- Billy Graham - "Will The World Survive"
- C4i Christians for Israel - "Daniel's Visions"
- "Escaping the Descent Into Paganism" - Allen Jackson
- "How to Enjoy the Presence of God" - Adrian Rogers
- "The Church is Going to Babylon" - Tim Dilena
- Carter Conlon - "The Will of God for the Weak"
- Andrew Spradlin - "Revelation"
- Chuck Smith - "Danger of Compromise"
- Adrian Rogers - "Giving Thanks in Dark Days"
- Charles Stanley - "Making a Lasting Impact"
- Billy Graham - "How to Get to Heaven"
- "When You Can’t Take It Anymore" - David Jeremiah
- Adrian Rogers - "The Root of Bitterness"
- "Midst Of Adversity" – Charles Stanley
- David Jeremiah - "Dealing With Depression"
- John Tweedy - "The Dead Sea Will Be Healed"
- Chuck Smith - "How To Prevail"
- Charles Stanley - "Convictions About The Judgement"
- Carter Conlon - "Finding the Will of God"
- "The Secret Power Of Fasting" - Derek Prince
- "The Tribulation- What it is?" - Baruch Korman
- "Zacchaeus" - Billy Graham Classic
- "Escaping the Descent Into Paganism" - Allen Jackson
- "Jesus and the Sinful Woman" - Andrew Spradlin
- "The Insanity of Idolatry" - Steve Gaines
- Charles Stanley - "God’s Precious Promises"
- David Jeremiah - "How Can I Overcome Temptation?"
- Billy Graham - "Will our world end?"
- Adrian Rogers - "What to do With Your Burdens"
- "Israel's War is Your War" - Carter Conlon
- "Life After Death" - Billy Graham
- Carter Conlon - "Remember My Chains"
- "Israel and the End Times" - Gary Hamrick
- "Are You Willing to Step Out of the Crowd?" - Allen Jackson
- "The Last Days unfolding" - Dr. Baruch Korman
- David Jeremiah - "Thoughts Can Limit the Spirit's Activity"
- Dr. Baruch Korman - "Ephesians Chapter 3"
- "Things That Hinder Fellowship" - Adrian Rogers
- "Our Intimacy With God" - Charles Stanley
- "Alcohol In The Church" - Raul Ries
- Adrian Rogers - "The Final Judgment"
- Chuck Smith - "When Life is Overwhelming"
- Andrew Spradlin - "How to Respond to Failure"
- Charles Stanley - "God, Our Faithful Companion"
- "Death: The Fear of Dying" - David Jeremiah
- Carter Conlon - Voices In the Graveyard Of Your Mind
- "The Church is Being Censored" - Allen Jackson
- "Excuses" - Billy Graham
- Adrian Rogers - "Faith, What It Is - How to Have It"
- Charles Stanley - "Our Anchor In Times of Storm"
- Roger Spradlin - "Building Upon The Rock"
- Adrian Rogers - "Counterfeit Christianity"
- "The Furnace of Faith" - David Jeremiah
- "Our Praise Silences The Devil" - Derek Prince
- "The Condition of the Heart" – Charles Stanley
- "Press Toward the Mark" - R. W. Schambach
- Carter Conlon - "We Need You"
- "The Fear of Rejection" – David Jeremiah
- "The Believer's War Room" – Charles Stanley
- Roger Spradlin - "The Power of God's Unchanging Word"
- Andrew Spradlin - "Armed for Battle"
- Jim Cymbala - "Renewed Day By Day"
- Billy Graham - "When The Chips Are Down"
- Carter Conlon - "Let No Enemy Find Safety"
- Adrian Rogers - "The Word of God"
- Billy Graham - "Visibility Zero"
- Carter Conlon - "Deal With Sin, Christ Is Coming"
- "Taking Control of Our Thoughts" - Charles Stanley
- "Having Strong Faith" - Adrian Rogers
- "Relying on God" - David Jeremiah
- "Living on the Fault Line" - Billy Graham
- "Lord, Help Me To Endure This Trial" - Carter Conlon
- "Who are the 144,000?" - Derek Prince
- "Overflowing With Gratitude" – Charles Stanley
- "His Unquestioned Lordship" - Adrian Rogers
- "Hear His Voice And Live!" - Carter Conlon
- David Jeremiah - "The Rapture of the Church"
- Roger Spradlin - "Victory Over Temptation"
- Billy Graham - "Time"
- Carter Conlon - "Lord, Help Me To Endure"
- Adrian Rogers - "The Crucifixion of King Self"
- "The Power in the Blood" - Adrian Rogers
- "Jesus, Speak Clearly to Me" - Carter Conlon
- Charles Stanley - "The Courage to Keep Going"
- "The Brevity of Life" - Billy Graham
- "When the Spirit Speaks" - Adrian Rogers
- "Understanding Eternal Life" - David Jeremiah
- "What is Revival?" - Carter Conlon
- Jim Cymbala - "The Sent One"
- "How Do I Fear the Lord" - Charles Stanley
- "It's Time To Shake Hell" - Carter Conlon
- "The End of Time" - Chuck Smith
- David Jeremiah - "Why is God Silent"
- Charles Stanley - "A God We Can Trust"
- Billy Graham - "Christ is our Hope"
- Carter Conlon - "A Picture Of Hope"
- "A God we can Trust" – Charles Stanley
- "The Falling Away" - David Jeremiah
- Roger Spradlin - "Winter is Coming"
- Adrian Rogers - "Why I Believe in Jesus Christ"
- "Billy Graham - "Life's Most Important Question"
- "Current Prayer Message" - Carter Conlon
- "The Third Step: Service" - Charles Stanley
- "Wisdom and Understanding" - David Jeremiah
- "Wait Patiently for Him" - Jim Cymbala
- David Jeremiah - "Relying on God"
- "Faith - What It Is and How to Have It" - Adrian Rogers
- "Reclaiming the Mind of Christ" – Carter Conlon
- "The Condition of the Heart" – Charles Stanley
- "Fighting for Our King" - Jim Cymbala
- "The God you May not Know" - David Jeremiah
- Carter Conlon - "Someone Like You"
- Adrian Rogers - "Seek Peace and Pursue Unity"
- "The Holy Spirit and You" - Billy Graham
- "Lessons I Have Learned" – Charles Stanley
- Jim Cymbala - "Whoever Has Ears, Let Them Hear…"
- Carter Conlon - "Yielding To The Spirit Of God"
- David Jeremiah - "Overcoming Everything with Prayer"
- "Put God First" - Carter Conlon
- "How to Treat People" -Skip Heitzig
- "The Secret of Happiness" - Billy Graham
- "Hebrews 11:1-21" - Gary Hamrick
- David Jeremiah - "The Fullness of Christ"
- "My Best Friend" - Chuck Smith
- Charles Stanley - "When Things Seem Impossible"
- "Bombard the World with Love" - Skip Heitzig
- Adrian Rogers - "You Shall Have No Other Gods"
- David Wilkerson - "Getting Ready for the End"
- Billy Graham - "Building Relationships"
- Adrian Rogers - "When Faith Seems to Fail"
- "Know Your Enemy" - Gary Hamrick
- "Something New Is Coming" - Carter Conlon
- "He Must Increase, I Must Decrease" - John Piper
- Charles Stanley – "The Awareness of God's Presence"
- David Jeremiah – "When You Can't Take it Anymore"
- Jim Cymbala – "Prayer, Calling Upon God"
- "The Groanings of the Holy Spirit" - Carter Conlon
- "We are Barabbas" - Gary Hamrick
- "True Love" - Billy Graham
- "Prayer That Moves God" – Charles Stanley
- "The Importance of Giving Thanks" - Jim Cymbala
- "Pray While God Can Still Be Found" - Carter Conlon
- "Light in a Dark World" - Gary Hamrick
- "Slaying the Giant of Anger" - David Jeremiah
- "What on Earth is Going on" - Tony Evans
- "When I Don't Understand" – Carter Conlon
- "Do You Have Purpose?" - Billy Graham
- "The Beatitude Attitudes" - Gary Hamrick
- "Pray" - Adrian Rogers
- "The Absurdity of Gender Identity" - Allen Jackson
- "Finishing Well" - Jim Cymbala
- "Understanding Spiritual Realities" - Allen Jackson
- "Guided By God" – Charles Stanley
- "I Am the Light of the World" - Gary Hamrick
- "Life & Death in the Tongue" - Tony Evans
- David Wilkerson - "Ever Present Help"
- "Tell Me Why I Can Be Thankful" - Carter Conlon
- "Perfect Peace" - Gary Hamrick
- "Stay Calm" - David Jeremiah
- "Hearing the Voice Of God" - Steve Gaines
- "The Humble Will Be Lifted Up" - Carter Conlon
- "Triumphant Joy" – Charles Stanley
- In Touch - "Be Content – Daily Devotional"
- "Is Reality Being Redefined?" - Allen Jackson
- Carter Conlon - "The King Who Shouts in Your Heart"
- Lloyd Ogilvie - "Faith In Spite Of Everything"
- Chuck Smith - "Learning The Hard Way"
- Carter Conlon - "The School of Faith"
- Charles Stanley - "Knowing God as Our Father"
- Dr Baruch - "Matthew Chapter 24" Part 2
- "The Testimony of..." - Carter Conlon
- Adrian Rogers - "The Battle for Your Mind"
- "2 Corinthians 2" - Chuck Smith
- Charles Stanley - "God is Our Keeper"
- David Jeremiah - "When God Delays"
- John Piper - "The Renewed Mind"
- Times Square Church | "The History"
- Chuck Smith - "Romans 12"
- Carter Conlon - "Don't Draw Back"
- "The Privilege Corrupted" - Charles Stanley
- "Hebrews 6" - Andrew Spradlin
- "Is There Only One Way to God?" - David Jeremiah
- "Everything Can Change In A Heartbeat" - Carter Conlon
- Chuck Smith - "Justification by Faith"
- "The Battle For Self-control" - Charles Stanley
- "The Importance of the Bible" - David Jeremiah
- "How to Deal with Depression" - Adrian Rogers
- Billy Graham - "Anaheim CA 1985"
- "When God Says, 'That's Enough!'" – Steve Gaines
- "Jesus Sees Your Need" - R.W. Shambach
- "Hebrews Chapter 13" - Chuck Smith
- "The Battle For Self-control" - Charles Stanley
- "The Word Became Flesh" - Andrew Wommack
- "The Grace of Giving" - Adrian Rogers
- "Reclaiming the Sweetness of the Cross" - Carter Conlon
- David Jeremiah - "Losing Your First Love"
- "Turning Your Battlefields Into Blessings" - Steve Gaines
- "When All Else Fails, Persevere!" - Jeff Kinley
- Carter Conlon - "Sanctify Yourself"
- Adrian Rogers - "The Coming Kingdom of Christ"
- Andrew Spradlin - "Pre-Christmas Message"
- David Jeremiah - "The Greatest Promise in the Bible"
- Charles Stanley - "Guided By God"
- Carter Conlon - "It is Time for the Lord to Work"
- Pastor Roger is Home!!
- Billy Graham - "The Cost of Not Following Jesus"
- Jim Cymbala - "A Word of Counsel in Our Present Crisis"
- "Staying Strong When God Is Silent" - Carter Conlon
- Charles Stanley - "The Great Deception"
- "In a World of Persecution, Be Prepared" - David Jeremiah
- "The Battle that Rages for Your Mind" - Carter Conlon
- Adrian Rogers - "Signposts on the Road to Armageddon"
- Billy Graham - "The Hands of Jesus"
- "In The Eyes of the Lord" - Jim Cymbala
- "Be the Good News" - David Jeremiah
- "All Our Anxieties - Part 2" - Charles Stanley
- Andrew Spradlin - "Psalm 23"
- Billy Graham - "The Necessity of the Cross"
- Jim Cymbala - "A Thorn in the Flesh"
- "Romans 1:1-23" - Skip Heitzig
- David Jeremiah - "Sheltering Under Pressure"
- Adrian Rogers - "Learning to Endure"
- "Are You Ready to Die?" - Billy Graham
- "The Ministry of the Holy Spirit" - David Jeremiah
- "What Does God Want From Me" - Roger Spradlin
- Adrian Rogers - "Saved to Serve"
- "The Kingdom of Heaven" - Gary Hamrick
- David Wilkerson - "God's Hour of Power"
- Charles Stanley - "Building Wise Friendships"
- Billy Graham - "Will the World Survive?"
- Roger Spradlin - "Is Jesus The One"
- Chuck Smith - "Romans 8 (Pt .1)"
- "It's Time to Grow Up" - Adrian Rogers
- "Amazing Grace" - Gary Hamrick
- "When You Can’t Take It Anymore" - David Jeremiah
- Charles Stanley - "Things That Cannot Be Shaken"
- Carter Conlon - "Last Message To An Ungodly World"
- Adrian Rogers - "Living Supernaturally or Superficially"
- Chuck Smith - "Romans 8 (Pt .3)"
- Gary Hamrick - "Life After Death"
- David Jeremiah - "Distraction-Free Christian Living"
- Carter Conlon - "Finding God's Will For My Life"
- Billy Graham - "When God Gets Your Attention"
- Jim Cymbala - "Endure Patiently"
- "Light in a Dark World" - Gary Hamrick
- "Steadfast Hope in a Shaky World" - Adrian Rogers
- "The Great I Am" - Charles Stanley
- "The Free Gift Of Righteousness" - Derek Prince
- David Jeremiah - "Be Calm"
- Billy Graham - "The Second Coming of Christ"
- Dr E V Hill - "What To Say To The Devil"
- Jim Cymbala - "Spiritual Endurance"
- "Breaking Bad Habits" - Skip Heitzig
- "Requirements of A Godly Influence" – Charles Stanley
- Adrian Rogers - "Six Principles to Fortify Your Faith"
- Charles Stanley - "The Holy Spirit, Our Helper"
- Adrian Rogers - "Lordship of Christ"
- Gary Hamrick - "What Is Truth"
- Jim Cymbala - "God’s Favor upon Us"
- "Last Days" - Chuck Smith
- "The Gifts of the Holy Spirit" - Skip Heitzig
- "Strength in Your Struggles" - Tony Evans
- Gary Hamrick - "The Mercy of God"
- "What is Faith and Who is Jesus?" - Billy Graham
- Chuck Smith - "Danger of Compromise"
- "How to Be Strong in the Faith" - Adrian Rogers
- "Loving the Wrong World" - Tony Evans
- "Overcoming an Anxious Mind" - Skip Heitzig
- "The Temporal and the Eternal" – Gary Hamrick
- Billy Graham - "Make Your Peace With God"
- Adrian Rogers - "When Faith Seems to Fail"
- Carter Conlon - "As The Ship Sinks, Tell Me What To Do!"
- Tony Evans - "Distraction From God's Plan"
- Charles Stanley - "Satan's Strategy to Defeat Us"
- E.V. Hill - "The Struggle"
- Billy Graham - "Whose Fool Are You?"
- Carter Conlon - "The Secret of Spiritual Power"
- David Jeremiah - "Christian Communication"
- Charles Stanley - "Living a Surrendered Life"
- Tony Evans - "The Power of Praise"
- Carter Conlon - "Coming Out of the Wilderness with Power"
- Skip Heitzig - "Seeing Truth Clearly"
- Adrian Rogers - "Christian Warfare"
- Gary Hamrick - "Right Worship"
- Adrian Rogers - "People God Uses"
- Charles Stanley - "Does Prayer Influence God?"
- David Jeremiah - "When You Can’t Take It Anymore"
- Roger Spradlin - "My Favorite Word in the Bible"
- "Romans 8:28" - David Jeremiah
- "The Latter Rain" – David Wilkerson
- "Blood, Sweat & Tears to Salvation" – Billy Graham
- "Hearing God's Voice" – Charles Stanley
- Charles Stanley - "Seeking The Lord"
- Chuck Smith - "The Joy of Salvation"
- Adrian Rogers - "The Blessing in a Box of Bones"
- Charles Stanley - "Walking in the Favor of God"
- Billy Graham - "Young People"
- Carter Conlon - "Preparing To Face The Giants"
- Jim Cymbala - "Make Your Battle the Lord’s"
- Adrian Rogers - "7 Words to Build A Marriage"
- David Jeremiah - "Authentic Christian Ministry"
- Charles Stanley - "The Rocky Road to the Will of God"
- Billy Graham - "A Cure for Heart Trouble"
- Jim Cymbala - "His Deepest Work"
- Adrian Rogers - "The Blood Makes the Difference"
- Carter Conlon - "For Those Who Are Thirsty And Broke"
- Andrew Spradlin - "Leadership Matters - Titus"
- Charles Stanley - "The Seven Habits of a Godly Life"
- Adrian Rogers - "Learning to Walk with God"
- Baruch Korman - "Philippians Chapter 4 Part 1"
- Carter Conlon - "When Favor Asks For Faith"
- Charles Stanley - "When All Hope is Gone"
- "Beware the Beast" - Adrian Rogers
- Roger Spradlin - "Cause and Effect"
- David Jeremiah - "Praises of the Unsung"
- Carter Conlon - "Finding Purpose In Your Storm"
- Charles Stanley - "Surviving Our Present Culture"
- "Biblical Model for Leadership" - Roger Spradlin
- John Piper - "A Hunger for God"
- J. Vernon McGee - "On a Clear Day You Can See Forever"
- David Jeremiah - "Thoughts Can Limit the Spirit's Activity"
- Charles Stanley - "A Life of Love"
- Roger Spradlin - "Leadership Matters"
- Billy Graham Lubbock TX 1975
- Charles Stanley - "Passing On God's Blessings"
- Billy Graham - "America, Is the Handwriting on the Wall?"
- Gary Hamrick - "Sign of the Times"
- David Jeremiah - "One-on-One With God"
- Adrian Rogers - "Fully Committed Disciple of Jesus Christ"
- Charles Stanley - "The Promise to Heal"
- "Excuse Me, Please" - Billy Graham
- Roger Spradlin - "Biblical Model for Leadership"
- David Jeremiah - "Vengeance"
- Carter Conlon - "Spiritual Depression"
- Charles Stanley - "How to Claim a Promise"
- Carter Conlon - "What Can The Righteous Do?"
- Billy Graham - "When The World is Shaken"
- Roger Spradlin - "Finding Someone To Lead"
- Dr. David Jeremiah - "Confidence in a Chaotic World"
- "The Fulfillment Of A Promise" - Charles Stanley
- "Battle of Jericho Part 2" - Baruch Korman
- "Battle of Jericho Part 1" - Baruch Korman
- "False Prophets" - Chuck Smith
- David Jeremiah - "Economic Chaos"
- Adrian Rogers - "When Prophets Are Persecuted"
- "God's Precious Promises" - Charles Stanley
- "You Will Soon Come Out of the Wilderness" - Carter Conlon
- Billy Graham - "Obstacles to Heaven"
- David Jeremiah - "One Man Against the World"
- Charles Stanley - "Our God of Promise"
- Carter Conlon - "You Will Soon Come Out of the Wilderness"
- Chuck Smith - "Revelation Overview"
- David Jeremiah - "The First Resurrection in the Bible"
- Billy Graham - "The Lost Sheep"
- Carter Conlon - "The Greatest Story Ever Told"
- "Wait Upon the Lord" - Adrian Rogers
- Andrew Spradlin - "Prayer in the Early Church"
- Carter Conlon - "How to Thrive in the Famine"
- "The Real Meaning of the Cross" – Billy Graham
- "Why do Preachers Lie?" - Carter Conlon
- Billy Graham - "Jesus The Hope of the World"
- Charles Stanley - "Healing Our Hurts"
- David Jeremiah - "The School of Faith"
- Chuck Smith - "You Are A Royal Priesthood"
- Andrew Spradlin - "Fellowship Builds Life in the Church"
- "The Life of Elijah" - David Jeremiah
- Charles Stanley - "Healing Our Hurts"
- Billy Graham - "Another Road, Another Chance"
- Chuck Smith - " By The Blood Of The Lamb"
- Andrew Spradlin - "The Word Feeds the Church"
- David Jeremiah - "How Can I Be Sure of My Salvation?"
- Charles Stanley - "Because He Lives"
- Roger Spradlin - "Hope is Alive"
- Billy Graham - "Jesus, The Hope of the World"
- "The Prophetic Times" - David Jeremiah
- "Prison Testimony" - Gene Neill
- Adrian Rogers - "Standing Firm in a Pagan World"
- "The Supreme Moment in Human History" – Charles Stanley
- "The Culture before Christ’s Return" - Gary Hamrick
- Andrew Spradlin - "Church Life" (pt.2)
- David Jeremiah - "The Decision That Can Save Your Life"
- Adrian Rogers - "When God Cleans House"
- Baruch Korman - "Philippians Chapter 4 Part 2"
- "Hungering and Thirsting for God, Pt. 2" - Charles Stanley
- Andrew Spradlin - "Church Life" (pt.1)
- Billy Graham - "Why I Am An Optimist"
- Adrian Rogers - "The Only Way to Live"
- "Hungering and Thirsting for God, Pt. 1" - Charles Stanley
- "Where Were You When I Was Hurting" - Nicky Cruz
- Billy Graham - "Loneliness Pt.1"
- Roger Spradlin - "Consider Your Ways"
- Gary Hamrick - "Paradox Principles for Life"
- Adrian Rogers - "Bible Baptism"
- Baruch Korman - "Philippians Chapter 3 Part 3"
- Charles Stanley - "Walking in Faith"
- Roger Spradlin - "The King is Coming-Zechariah"
- "The Great Deceiver" - David Jeremiah
- "Philippians Chapter 3 Part 2" - Baruch Korman
- Charles Stanley - "The Power Of A Discerning Spirit"
- Roger Spradlin - "Runaway Prophet (pt 2)"
- Billy Graham - "House of Mercy"
- Adrian Rogers - "5 Ways to Draw Closer to Jesus"
- "Philippians Chapter 3 Part 1" - Baruch Korman
- Charles Stanley - "God’s Way is the Best Way"
- Roger Spradlin - "Runaway Prophet (pt 1)"
- Adrian Rogers - "The Wake Up Call"
- Billy Graham - "Your Soul"
- David Jeremiah - "What Is Faith?"
- Charles Stanley - "When Our Burdens Seem Unbearable"
- Roger Spradlin - "More Than a Second Chance"
- Adrian Rogers - "The High Cost of Low Living"
- "2 Corinthians Chapter 5 Part 2" - Baruch Korman
- Roger Spradlin - "Habakkuk - Suffering Prophet"
- "God is Good and Angry" - Roger Spradlin
- "2 Corinthians Chapter 5 Part 1" - Baruch Korman
- "Seven Words That Can Build a Marriage" - Adrian Rogers
- "What on Earth is the Millennium?" - David Jeremiah
- Treasures of the Heart" - Charles Stanley
- "Raising Kids that Count" – Adrian Rogers
- "2 Corinthians Chapter 4" – Baruch Korman
- "A Call to Repentance" – Charles Stanley
- Jim Cymbala - "Valentine's Day Devotional"
- Roger Spradlin - "What Does God Want From Me?"
- Billy Graham - "Snatched Away"
- "Adversity – Burden Or Bridge?" – Charles Stanley
- "The Principle of Contentment" - Roger Spradlin
- David Jeremiah - Sheltering Under Pressure
- Adrian Rogers - When Parents Pray
- Dr. Charles Stanley - Victory Over Fear
- "The Acceptable Sin" - Roger Spradlin
- "God Has Not Given Us A Spirit of Fear" - Carter Conlon
- "Learning To Pray" - Carter Conlon
- "Standing Through Prayer" – Charles Stanley
- "He is Faithful and Just To Forgive" – Chuck Smith
- "Do What God Says" – Jim Cymbala
- "A Time For Courage" – Charles Stanley
- "A Nation in Crisis" - Adrian Rogers
- "Victory Over Worry?" - David Jeremiah
- "The Power of Faith" - Jim Cymbala
- "What Is Heaven Like?" (Devotion) - Charles Stanley
- Andy Wagner - "Lessons From Luke"
- David Jeremiah - "The Fear of Dying"
- Jim Cymbala - "Warning Against Deception"
- Adrian Rogers - "Satan's Four Spiritual Flaws"
- Adrian Rogers - "How to Make Sense Out of Suffering"
- "America And Its Children Need Deliverance" - Carter Conlon
- Billy Graham - "Starting Life Over Again"
- "The Reason for our Boldness" - Charles Stanley
- "Gateway Chapel" - Andrew Spradlin
- Adrian Rogers - "When We All Get to Heaven"
- Carter Conlon - "Battle that Rages for Your Mind"
- "Hope For Broken Things" - Billy Graham
- "A New World Is Coming" - Adrian Rogers
- Carter Conlon - "Is The Restrainer Removed?"
- Charles Stanley - "Treasures of the Heart"
- "The New Age Movement" - David Jeremiah
- Adrian Rogers: "The Lost World"
- Billy Graham - "Christmas Message"
- "The Miracles of Christmas" - Chuck Smith
- "Our Savior, Who Is Christ The Lord" – Charles Stanley
- "Obedient to the Lord" - Jim Cymbala
- "Calling to the Breath of God" - Carter Conlon
- "The Greatest Promise in the Bible" - David Jeremiah
- Billy Graham - "What Is the World Coming to?"
- "God is With Us" | Dr. David Jeremiah
- "When Sin And Religion Becomes Friends" - Carter Conlon
- Jim Cymbala - Open My Eyes, Lord!
- Charles Stanley - "Jesus the Son of God"
- David Jeremiah - "God With Us"
- Carter Conlon - The Wolf is at The Door
- Pt.2 Lenny LeBlanc Testimony
- Pt.1 Lenny LeBlanc Testimony
- Charles Stanley - "Integrity In The Life of the Believer"
- David Jeremiah - "God With Us"
- Jim Cymbala - Right And Wrong
- "Sex, Power & Materialism" - Billy Graham
- "Pre-Christmas Story" - Jim Cymbala
- "Loneliness" - Carter Conlon
- Charles Stanley - "Reasons To Obey"
- Billy Graham "The Good Samaritan"
- Jim Cymbala - Preserving the Integrity of the Work
- Charles Stanley - "The Key to the Christian Life"
- Carter Conlon - "Dont Let Discouragement..."
- "The Principle of Contentment" - Roger Spradlin
- Adrian Rogers - "Fullness of Joy"
- Charles Stanley - "Living Wisely or Foolishly"
- Billy Graham - "Who Is Jesus"
- J. Vernon McGee- "But God"
- Carter Conlon - A Prophetic Message
- "Breastplate Of Righteousness" - David Jeremiah
- "The Principle of Contentment" - Roger Spradlin
- "Following Jesus" - Charles Stanley
- "Discovering Your Ministry" - Adrian Rogers
- "Devil Stategies" - David Jeremiah
- "Hebrews 6" - Andrew Spradlin
- "A Stumbling Block" - Jim Cymbala
- "Developing Patience" - Charles Stanley
- "Good Things Happen to Bad People" - Adrian Rogers
- "Final Prophecy" - David Jeremiah
- Charles Stanley - "Your Convictions About Heaven"
- Adrian Rogers - "Give Him Glory"
- Jim Cymbala - "Take Up Your Cross"
- Roger Spradlin - "The Principle of Honesty"
- Billy Graham - "Technology, faith and human shortcomings"
- Charles Stanley - "Surviving the Tough Times"
- Chuch Smith - "Doers of the Word"
- Jim Cymbala - "Encouragement"
- Adrian Rogers - "Jesus, the Light of the World"
- "It's Time To Go Through Your Open Door" - Carter Conlon
- "The Blessing of Humility" - Jim Cymbala
- Adrian Rogers - "You Can Be Sure"
- Charles Stanley - "The Powerful Attribute of Patience"
- Jim Cymbala - "Share with Others"
- Adrian Rogers - "Why Did Jesus Choose Judas?"
- Charles Stanley - "Praying With Confidence"
- Billy Graham - "Choices"
- Jim Cymbala - Make Your Battle the Lord's
- Roger Spradlin - "Knowing Jesus Together"
- Adrian Rogers - "Five Minutes After Death"
- Charles Stanley - "A Warning Against Spiritual Drifting"
- Carter Conlon - "I Know Who You Are"
- Billy Graham - "John 3:16"
- Jim Cymbala - "Nothing is Impossible With God"
- Charles Stanley - "Resting in the Faithfulness of God"
- Carter Conlon - "Just Say Yes, and Worship In Your Mess"
- Jim Cymbala - "A Message of Encouragement"
- Dr. Charles Stanley - "The Two Paths of Life"
- Adrian Rogers - "Why the Cross?"
- Jim Cymbala - "The Wrong Road"
- Charles Stanley - "How To Treat One Another"
- Carter Conlon - "Reprobates and Trembling Nations"
- Roger Spradlin - "The Mysteries of the Kingdom"
- Adrian Rogers - "Learning to Think Small"
- Jim Cymbala - "Zeal Without Knowledge"
- Billy Graham - "Loneliness"
- Gary Hamrick - "Relatable Like Jesus"
- Adrian Rogers - "Let the Fire Fall"
- E.V. Hill - "Lazrus and the Rich Man"
- Jim Cymbala - "All Inclusive"
- Roger Spradlin - The Principle of Honor and Respect Pt 1
- Adrian Rogers: How to Handle Stress
- Pastor Jim Cymbala - The Test - Daily Devotions
- David Jeremiah - "The Spirit and the Flesh"
- Roger Spradlin - "The Principle of Balance"
- Charles Stanley - "Cautions Against Complacency"
- Adrian Rogers: The Midnight Cry and the Rapture
- Chuck Smith - "The Joy of the Lord"
- Gary Hamrick - "Israel and the End Times" (Pt. 3)
- Gary Hamrick - "Israel and the End Times" (Pt. 2)
- Gary Hamrick - "Israel and the End Times" (Pt. 1)
- Roger Spradlin - Facing the Judgement of God
- Adrian Rogers - "Let the Fire Fall"
- Jim Cymbala - "Worry - A Spiritual Pandemic"
- Charles Stanley - When God Says Wait
- Billy Graham - "The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit"
- Chuck Smith - Daniel Chapter 1 [1993]
- Roger Spradlin - Life’s Most Important Question
- Adrian Rogers - "The Problem of Unworthy Authorities"
- Jim Cymbala - "Today's Daily Devotion"
- Billy Graham - "Why I'm an Optimist"
- Chuck Smith - "Genuine or Fake"
- Adrian Rogers - "How to Behave in a Cave"
- In Touch's Daily Devotional - "God Uses the Wicked"
- Jim Cymbala - Where Are The Workers
- Roger Spradlin - Gateway Chapel
- Charles Stanley - He Will Show You His Will
- Chuck Smith - The Call of Ministry
- Jim Cymbala - "A Different Way of Life"
- Adrian Rogers - "How to Make Your Bible Come Alive"
- Charles Stanley - "Responding to Our Opportunities"
- Jim Cymbala - "What Shapes Your Thoughts?"
- Charles Stanley - "God Has A Plan For You"
- Roger Spradlin's Sunday Morning Service
- Proverbs 3:5-6 - Chuck Smith
- Is There a Hell? - Billy Graham
- Alistair Begg - My Times Are in Your Hands
- Charles Stanley - If The Foundations Are Destroyed
- Roger Spradlin - Life’s Most Important Question
- Adrian Rogers - The Expedience of Obedience
- Jim Cymbala - A Message of Encouragement
- Charles Stanley - Where Our Needs Are Met (1998)
- Adrian Rogers - "Learning to Think Small"
- Charles Stanley - Your Convictions About Money
- Baruch Korman - Matthew Chapter 24 Part 6
- Billy Graham - The Eternal Contemporary
- The Power of the Word of God by J. Vernon McGee
- "Be Strong in the Lord" - Jim Cymbala
- "Truth Matters pt 1" - Roger Spradlin
- Charles Stanley - Your Convictions About God
- Billy Graham - Jesus Christ Superstar
- Adrian Rogers - The Secret of Satisfaction
- Chuck Smith - Constantly Failing the Purposes of God
- Jim Cymbala - A Daily Devotional
- Charles Stanley - Discovering Our Real Needs
- Carter Conlon - Push Back The Darkness
- Pastor Raul Ries' Autobiography
- How to Get to Heaven | Billy Graham
- A New Song for a New Time | Carter Conlon
- Adrian Rogers - Learning to Walk with God
- Tony Evans - Override Addictions
- Dr. Charles Stanley - Your Life Matters to God
- "Do You Love Me?" | Pastor Jim Cymbala
- The Death and Resurrection of Christ - Billy Graham
- The Lame Take The Prey by Carter Conlon
- "Justified" - Jim Cymbala
- Adrian Rogers: Predestined for Hell? Absolutely Not!
- Charles Stanley - Finding Clear Guidance
- Adrian Rogers: How to Get Up When You're Down
- Billy Graham in Lubbock TX 1975
- Tom Hughes - Technology and the Mark of the Beast
- Jim Cymbala - That Every Mouth Be Silenced
- Dr. Charles Stanley - Be Careful When All Is Well
- True Love | Billy Graham Classic
- The Blessing of Brokenness by Carter Conlon
- Today's Walk with Dr. Roger Spradlin
- Jim Cymbala: "The Missing Piece"
- Billy Graham - of Following Christ
- Humanity’s Need of Salvation
- Anne Wilson – Testimony
- Adrian Rogers - When Nothing Seems to Make Sense
- Chuck Smith - Fear vs. Faith
- Charles Stanley (AUDIO ONLY) "Following Christ"
- Jim Cymbala - The Battle for Today
- Roger Spradlin - Faith Forged in the Fire
- Charles Stanley - The Unconditional Love of God
- Billy Graham - What You Cannot Do Without
- Roger Spradlin Pain, Pandemics, and Faith
- Adrian Rogers - What If There Had Been No Easter?
- Charles Stanley - The Impact Of The Resurrection
- Carter Conlon - It's Time For The Weak To Rise
- Derek Prince - The Lords Treasure - The Fear of the Lord
- Chuck Smith - Expositional Foundations
- Today’s Walk with Dr Roger Spradlin
- Charles Stanley - The Reassuring Quality of Faithfulness
- Andrew Spradlin - "Not of This World"
- Jim Cymbala - "Wake Up!" Devotional
- What is My Purpose by Jim Cymbala
- Roger Spradlin Resurrection the Extreme Makeover
- Charles Stanley - The Greatest Lesson He's Ever Learned
- "Who You Are In Christ" - Carter Conlon
- Jim Cymbala - What Are We Tolerating?
- When The End Comes, Where Will You Be? | Carter Conlon
- Jim Cymbala - Where We Live
- Raul Ries - "The Sin of Pride"
- Charles Stanley - The Narrow Path To Personal Peace
- Jim Cymbala - Rich With God
- J. Vernon McGee - A Perplexed Pharisee In the Presence of the Saviour
- Roger Spradlin - The Gospel in the Old Testament
- Jim Cymbala - A Spring in Our Spiritual Step
- Raul Ries - 2 Corinthians 10
- Charles Stanley - Love Lessons
- Jim Cymbala - The Christian’s Cure
- Carter Conlon - Battle that Rages for Your Mind
- Adrian Rogers - How to Be Absolutely Sure
- Jim Cymbala - "Strong in the Lord | Devotion"
- Charles Stanley - "Seeking Godly Counsel"
- Tom Hughes - Letters to the Churches (Revelation)
- Our Burning Bushes – Dr. Charles Stanley
- Jim Cymbala - God’s Favor upon Us
- Staying In Step with God – Charles Stanley
- Jim Cymbala - Prevailing Against the Enemy's Strategies
- Dr. Charles Stanley: Baptism
- Tim Dilena - Letters Are Coming (A Prophetic Word For The Church)
- Don't Miss Christ This Christmas - Tony Evans
- Jim Cymbala - Mary, Did You Know?
- Charles Stanley-Who Is This Man Called Jesus?
- Jim Cymbala - God Is On The Throne
- Jim Cymbala - Living by Faith, Not by Sight
- Pastor Jim Cymbala - Acts 13
- Apology for ELECTION DAY Prophetic Word Post
- Jim Cymbala - God Is On The Throne
Today's Prayer
(Tuesday February 18, 2024)
"Lord stir the deepest chambers of my heart, that my eyes be open to the times, so I may bring about Your will in Earth as in Heaven."
(Monday February 17, 2024)
"Lord, help me remember, as You said; It's not what goes in my mouth that corrupts, but rather the foul, bitter and smooth words that come out."
(Sunday February 16, 2024)
"Lord, keep me pure between my ears! Help me to see that what makes it to my mind, and usually out of my mouth has initiated in my heart."
(Saturday February 15, 2024)
"Lord, I know I am pre-disposed to nature, but cause me to detest the very thought and act of sin knowing that it is why You died for me."
(Friday February 14, 2024)
"Change our minds Lord, we have slowly drifted away from the old ways You taught us and now we are in the dark believing we're in the Light."
(Thursday February 13, 2024)
"Even as I need to stretch my legs and arms to get started each day, teach me to stretch my Faith and my Hope in You, Oh Lord."
(Wednesday February 12, 2024)
"Lord, keep us aware that we have two lives, the old and the New. Cause us to hear Truth each day reminding us we are born of Your Spirit."
(Tuesday February 11, 2024)
"Keep me O Lord, close to You, relying on You for my next heartbeat, for I am very aware how much the enemy wants to make me dishonor You!"
(Monday February 10, 2024)
"Wash me Lord, not only from what I know is sin, but of anything that grieves or displeases You, I want to know the fellowship of Your Company"
(Sunday February 9, 2024)
"Lord, You know this ol' tongue has kept me in trouble more than anything else, help me to surrender my heart, that my words may glorify You!"
(Saturday February 8, 2024)
"Lord, show me Your will in a matter, then let me be used as Your instrument in bringing about that will. Thy will be done!."
(Friday February 7, 2024)
"Lord, I never want to appear ungrateful. Please adjust my carnal mind to its death, that I may ALWAYS see the marvelous Life You have given!"
(Thursday February 6, 2024)
"Slow me down Lord, even in my "attempts" at Your will, help me to remember that You work carefully, slowly and perfectly, even as I should!"
(Wednesday February 5, 2024)
"Thank You Lord for revealing Yourself to me as REAL when I saught You with my whole heart...TEN YEARS AGO! Every day gets sweeter!"
(Tuesday February 4, 2024)
"As hard as it may be to imagine, Oh Lord, help me to realize that in a moment You could return and EVERYTHING would forever be changed!"
(Monday February 3, 2024)
"Keep me mindful O Lord, in the scheme of things, that it is better to have questions wrapped in humility than answers enveloped in pride."
(Sunday February 2, 2024)
"Lord of all Your glorious attributes, the Truth that You never change amazes me most! Help me be more like You in THIS way today."
(Saturday February 1, 2024)
"Oh Lord help me to be persistent! Persistent in my faithfulness to You, in my labor for the Kingdom, and especially in my prayers as You taught."
(Thursday May 9, 2024)
(Friday January 31, 2024)
"Keep us aware Lord, that as New Creations, You have already supplied us with ALL we need to prove Your good will here on Earth."
(Thursday January 30, 2024)
"Help me Lord to focus on, and accept that You call us...YOUR PEOPLE, and You're not ashamed to be called my God! Help me to live like it."
(Wednesday January 29, 2024)
"Even as in good conscience I would want to give my best in marriage, O Lord may I yearn to give me best to You and my endeavor for holiness!"
(Tuesday, January 28, 2024)
"Lord, as You have so graciously accepted me into Your household, help me to walk according to the excellency that Your name deserves."
(Monday January 27, 2024)
"Your face is what I seek, Oh Lord! Help me to not be distracted by the shiney temporal things vying for my attention and focus on You!"
(Sunday January 26, 2024)
"Lord, give me a heart to worship and praise You today! Help me remember that it is when I acknowledge You that I find fulfillment."
(Friday January 24, 2024)
"Lord teach us to realize that our dying is already faith, and if I'll begin to walk in New Life, there will be no more death!"
(Thursday January 23, 2024)
"Revive Your people once again, O Lord! The wicked and the ungodly mock Your name and we, Your children stand still as they do!"
(Wednesday, January 22, 2024)
"Quicken my heart to Your ways O Lord, that I may see evil as disgusting and dangerous as it really is, and Your goodness as Lovely."
(Tuesday January 21, 2024)
"LORD, guide me to use my words and my actions to exemplify Your Goodness and Your Mercy - that will follow me all my days!"
(Monday January 20, 2024)
"Lord, Your clear instruction was for me to pray, "Thy Will be Done..." Help me to trust to the point that I know Your unknown will is best."
(Sunday January 19, 2024)
"Lord, help me, through Your patience & tenderness, to recognize and disdain my own wildly carnal nature, for it opposes all that is good."
(Saturday January 18, 2024)
"I will have faith in You...You cannot fail, You MUST prevail, I will have faith in you....I WILL have faith in YOU."
(Friday January 17, 2024)
"Lord, take my hand and lead me into hiliness, without which no one will see the Kingdom of God. That is the only pathway of Peace while here."
(Thursday January 16, 2024)
"Lord, I have given my life...all that is left of it, to You for Your will and glory, help me to remember it's about You and not me."
(Wednesday January 15, 2024)
"Lord, help me to become confident, by proof, that Your Light indeed is within me, and then cause me to use that Light to shatter darkness."
(Tuesday January 14, 2024)
"Your face is what I seek, Oh Lord! Help me to not be distracted by the shiney temporal things vying for my attention and focus on You!"
(Monday January 13, 2024)
"Lord, If I will remember that ALL things work together for the good of those who love You, I can walk by Faith and not by sight."
(Sunday January 12, 2024)
"Lord, You paid such a price to set me free, yet many are still bound, help me focus and walk by faith that I may point them to You!""
(Saturday January 11, 2024)
"Lord, help me to guard my heart, as you instructed - with all diligence, for out of it issue the springs of Life!"""
(Friday January 10, 2024)
"Lord, If I will remember that ALL things work together for the good of those who love You, I can walk by Faith and not by sight."
(Thursday January 9, 2024)
"Oh LORD, help us - Your children to get back to the basics of Truth, back to Your undefiled Word, Only there will we find Life."
(Wednesday January 8, 2024)
"Lord, fill me to overflowing with the Love of Christ that purchased me so that being full, I may be safe from other things seeping in!"
(Tuesday January 7, 2024)
"Lord, keep me aware in a world of oppression and guilt, that Your are ALWAYS as near as a confession and a humbled heart."
(Monday January 6, 2024)
"In all my accomplishments and Joy that I find in my new existence, may I never forget the Amazing Grace it took to save a wretch like me!!"
(Sunday January 5, 2024)
"Lord, awaken Your people to the reality that we, while here on earth, are in warfare, even as You were. We are Your ambassadors!"
(Saturday, January 4, 2024)
"Lord, help me remember that since You saved me and gave me New Life in Christ, I am now YOURS...and available for Your service only!"
(Friday, January 3, 2024)
"Help me O LORD to not only be a SEEKER, but to tru;u seek as though I believe that You are about to reveal Yourself to me."
(Thursday, January 2, 2024)
"Lord, You spoke to "them who had ears to hear" - in clear understanding of what You said, move my heart to WANT to know what You say."
(Wednesday January 1, 2025)
"Again Lord, teach me to wait upon Your promises, KNOWING that they are what have saved me, and they are incapible of failure."
(Tuesday, December 31, 2024)
"What I need now is patience, yes I know it is true, but Lord my flesh hates the Way to patience, grant me grace to submit to You."
(Monday, December 30, 2024)
"Close my mouth O Lord to vain things, and loose my tongue to exalt Your Great Name and distribute Life as You have equipped me to do."
(Saturday, December 28, 2024)
"Lord, make me a means to Your desired ends through my prayers today, Help me to look past my needs and wants, to Your perfect will."
(Friday, December 27, 2024)
"Close my mouth O Lord to vain things, and loose my tongue to exalt Your Great Name and distribute Life as You have equipped me to do."
(Thursday, December 26, 2024)
"Show Your mighty power O LORD, in the midst of the pride, sin and darkness, make Your presence known that Your children may see the way!"
(Wednesday, December 25, 2024)
"Thank You, LORD that we serve a Risen Savior Who's in the world today, we KNOW that He is Living whatever men may say. He LIVES!"
(Tuesday, December 24, 2024)
"Lord cause us to realize that the things that really matter, now and eternally are only going to be recognized with our eyes of Faith. "
(Monday, December 23, 2024)
"Lord, break my satisfied heart for the lost and deceived around me. As I find Grace, I am surrounded by those who celebrate their death."
(Sunday, Decmber 22, 2024)
"Lord, stir up this new heart You have put in me, I don't want to meet You face to Face not having lived in what all You provided!"
(Saturday, December 21, 2024)
"Move on my cold heart O Lord, that I might seek You and Your beauty with all that I am, for You said that then I would find You!"
(Friday, December 20, 2024)
"Lord redirect my attention that I may leave evidence of my faith everywhere I go, and that I may realize the substance of it."
(Thursday, December 19, 2024)
"Slow me down Lord, cause me to think about how my 'wake' affects others, and the reflection I have cast upon You with my words."
(Wednesday, December 18, 2024)
"Lord in this day of endless distractions, please convict me to watch and pray as I go about my daily routines and responsibilities."
(Tuesday, December 17, 2024)
"Lord, I want to heighten my expectation...really expecting Your Word to be reality in my Life...teach me to HOPE!"
(Monday December 16, 2024)
"Teach me contentment and benevolence O Lord, How can I not be thankful when You have provided so much in every way?"
(Sunday December 15, 2024)
"Open our eyes Lord to the need for a fresh awakening of our souls and for a new brokenness for those who are still lost in sin!"
(Friday December 13, 2024)
"Lord, please re-direct my attention, to see and realize what all You have already accomplished in my life...I am now Your own child!!"
(Thursday December 12, 2024)
"Lord, You've already supplied me with faith to be eternally saved, how much more I've been equipped with faith to overcome here and now."
(Wednesday December 11, 2024)
"Lord, knowing that You have purchased me and clothed me in Your righteousness, help me to walk in what You have already completed."
(Tuesday December 10, 2024)
"Lord cause me to extend my faith outward today, encouraging those around me and reminding them of Your very real presence."
(Monday December 9, 2024)
"Lord help me to keep my commitment to You as serious as You made Yours to me, I want my life to reflect my undying loyalty."
(Sunday December 8, 2024)
"My God and Lord, Who wonderously created me...remind me again today and always why You gave me two ears, but only ONE Mouth!!"
(Saturday December 7, 2024)
"Help me to realize that being in Your presence is not dependant on a time or place in this world, but rather faith in Yours!"
(Friday December 6, 2024)
"Lord, keep me mindful that I represent You on earth now...I need to always show patience, kindness and above all, LOVE!""
(Thursday December 5, 2024)
"Keep us aware Lord, that as New Creations, You have already supplied us with ALL we need to prove Your good will here on Earth."
(Wednesday December 4, 2024)
"You said 'all who believe would not perish but have everlasting life' - Lord, I believe, and I want it to show in every part of my life."
(Tuesday December 3, 2024)
"Lord, keep me in Your Word, and draw me ever closer to You lest I naturally develop an 'evil heart of unbelief!'""
(Monday December 2, 2024)
"Lord remind us that in all we do, we are either a part of the solution, or we are contributing to the problem...You said it!"
(Sunday December 1, 2024)
"Help me, through You O Lord, to be a friend to all, a friend who sticks closer than a brother...even as You are to me.."
(Thursday November 28, 2024)
"Lord, make me aware of my need for my brothers and sisters in Christ, as we are a living body, with Him as our strength and Head."
(Wednesday November 27, 2024)
"Lord, help me today to keep my focus on the 'One Thing....' You have taken all my cares, and I am complete in You and only You.""
(Tuesday November 26, 2024)
"Cause us to hunger after Your Word, O Lord, that we may KNOW You and be safe from the deception that moves in so quietly."
(Monday November 25, 2024)
"Jesus keep me near You today, let me remember that I am dead to my old life and my New Life is fully caught up in You. ""
(Sunday November 24, 2024)
"Teach me O Lord to love offensively, and to care for others militantly, always mindful the weapons of my warfare are spiritual, not carnal."
(Friday November 22, 2024)
"Draw me into Your holy presence O Lord, if I don't spend some alone time with You each day, how can I maintain my relationship?"
(Thursday November 21, 2024)
"Lord help me, like John the Baptist to see that I must decrease in my own strength and life and allow the New Life You gave to increase.""
(Wednesday November 20, 2024)
"Jesus keep me near You today, let me remember that I am dead to my old life and my New Life is fully caught up in You. ""
(Tuesday November 19, 2024)
"Lord I recognize the depths of Your Love for me, help me to find a conviction to follow after the Way You have prepared for me.""
(Monday November 18, 2024)
"Help me understand that You are not only fully able to care for all my needs, but that You lovingly desire to be my sole provider.""
(Friday November 15, 2024)
"Help me Lord to show my absolute confidence and trust in obediently waiting for Your Word to prove true, as it always does!""
(Thursday November 14, 2024)
"Lord, I find myself wondering how You could see me among the 7 Billion plus souls on this fallen earth,and especially that you Love me.""
(Wednesday November 13, 2024)
"When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of glory died, my richest gain I count but loss, and pour contempt on all my pride.""
(Tuesday November 12, 2024)
"Lord, as performing for an audience of One, may I keep my eyes on the Path - walking in a manner worthy of my High Calling in Christ.""
(Monday November 11, 2024)
"Lord help me to realize that the down payment of Your entire promise is already deposited and living in me - may I walk in It!""
(Sunday November 10, 2024)
"Teach us to pray effectively, from the heart, O Lord, knowing that lasting relationships are ALL contingent upon good communication!""
(Friday November 8, 2024)
"I want to be obedient by being thankful for EVERYTHING...Knowing that if I am, I'll be living Your will - happening FOR my good!""
(Thursday November 7, 2024)
"Lord, keep an urgency in my soul, urgency for others, urgency for the world, and an urgency for holiness,that I may bring You glory!""
(Wednesday November 6, 2024)
"Lord, You paid such a price to set me free, yet many are still bound, help me focus and walk by faith that I may point them to You!""
(Tuesday November 5, 2024)
"Lord, help me to guard my heart, as you instructed - with all diligence, for out of it issue the springs of Life!"""
(Monday November 4, 2024, 2024)
"Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven - Give us this day our daily Bread and forgive us as we forgive those who trespass against us!"
(Sunday November 3, 2024 />
"Lord, reveal to me the benefits and the reality of the new heart You have placed within me - and may I be led by that new heart!"
(Friday November 1, 2024)
"Keep me aware Lord, that since You've given me this New Life...I have purpose - Purpose beyond myself, to bring You Glory!"
(Thursday October 31, 2024)
"Lord, I find myself wondering how You could see me among the 7 Billion plus souls on this fallen earth, and especially that you Love me.""
(Wednesday October 30, 2024)
"May the words that I speak today, minister Life and Hope to those around me, You've saved me, now make me care for others!!"
(Tuesday October 29, 2024)
"Help me remember, O Lord, I have been bought with a Price...the Life of Your Son. May I hold my tongue from complaints!"
(Monday October 28, 2024)
"Once I have applied all the armor that You have provided, and am become completely prepared...cause me to PRAY! Always!!"
(Friday October 25, 2024)
"I have made my decision Lord, and Your declaration is certian...I will follow You and submit to Your will, no matter what."
(Saturday March 01, 2024)
"Lord as vast and awesome as I know you are, help me remember that You desire to dwell in the heart of lowly me."
(Friday February 28, 2024)
"Lord, You've been so faithful and good to me - especially when I was at my worst...Thank You! My heart's desire is to Finish Well."
(Thursday February 27, 2024)
"Strengthen Us O Lord that we might remove the weights that hold us back, and avoid the pitfalls that our 'Old Man' still prefers.!"
(Wednesday February 26, 2024)
"Help us keep things in perspective Lord, remembering we were told that it would be through much tribulation that we would win!"
(Tuesday February 25, 2024)
"Lord keep my eyes bathed with humility, lest they become blinded with the illusions of this temporary existence. You Are God!"
(Monday February 24, 2024)
"Lord, Your Word is my anchor in this fallen world, help me to put It in my heart and cherish it that I may follow the Way, and hear You."
(Sunday February 23, 2024)
"Lord as we journey through this wilderness of death and sin, keep Your own aware of the endless fountain of Salvation You have provided."
(Saturday February 22, 2024)
"Help us remember Lord that the issues and trials we experience every day are opportunities for us to sink our roots deeper into You!"
(Friday February 21, 2024)
"I trust You Lord, as according to Proverbs 3:5-6, so help me remember that You work all things together for my Good, Romans 8:28!"
(Thursday February 20, 2024)
"Lord, make more and more a part of my church family. Let me be what they need and let me know that I can depend on them as well."
(Wednesday February 19, 2024)
"Help me remember Lord that when I am humble, You desire my presence and your heart is extended to me, but You are resistant to my pride."
Inspiring Music Videos
- CAIN - "Yes He Can"
- Nicole C Mullen - "My Redeemer Lives"
- "Draw Me Nearer" - E. Dewey Smith, Jr
- Squire Parsons - "Beulah Land"
- "He's Been Faithful" - Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
- Love Song "WelcomeBack" 2009 Reunion
- "I Stand Amazed" - Sanctuary Choir
- "The Old Rugged Cross" - Johnny & June Carter Cash
- Jimmy Swaggart - "The Old Rugged Cross Medley"
- Passion - "How Great Is Our God" (World Edition)
- Steven Curtis Chapman - "He Touched Me Medley"
- Jeff & Sheri Easter - "I'm Working On a Road"
- "Lord of Eternity" - Fernando Ortega
- The Isaacs - "Daniel Prayed"
- Anne Wilson - "My Jesus"
- "A Christmas Hallelujah" - Cassandra & Callahan Star
- Gaither Vocal Band - "O Little Town of Bethlehem"
- Susan Ashton - "What Joy"
- "Above All / There Is None Like You" - Lenny LeBlanc
- Buddy Greene - "Nothing But the Blood"
- Newsboys - "Love One Another"
- Brandon Heath - "Give Me Your Eyes"
- Bill & Gloria Gaither And Family - "Redeemed"
- George Beverly Shea - "The Love of God"
- "Open Our Eyes" - Maranatha Singers
- Casting Crowns - "Glorious Day"
- "I Will Serve the Lord"-CARMAN
- Chelsea Moon - "Trust & Obey"
- Michael W. Smith - "Crown Him With Many Crowns"
- "Pour Your Spirit Out" - Shannon J. Wexelberg
- George Strait - "I Saw God Today"
- Brian Littrell - "Over My Head"
- Scott Wesley Brown - "He Will Carry You"
- "Light Our Way" - Tom Coomes & Maranatha Praise
- Francesca Battistelli - "Holy Spirit You Are Welcomed Here"
- Russ Taff - "Bethlehem, Galilee, Gethsemane"
- Travis Cottrell - "God Of Wonders"
- Sandi Patty - "We Shall Behold Him"
- "I Am Resolved" • Congregational-Daniel Baptist
- TobyMac - "Love Broke Thru"
- Alabama - "I Can't Even Walk"
- Ben Fuller - "Chasing Rebels"
- George Beverly Shea - "In the Garden"
- CeCe Winans - "Goodness of God"
- Ricky Skaggs "Walkin' in Jerusalem"
- "Rest For Your Soul" - Austin French
- Joey+Rory - "Are You Washed In The Blood"
- Matt Redman - "Your Grace Finds Me"
- Nancy Harmon - "The Blood Bought Church"
- Levitical Choir on the Temple Mount
- Chris Tomlin & Matt Redman - "The Wonderful Cross"
- "Creation Song" - Fernando Ortega
- Cece Winans - "Alabaster Box"
- The Isaacs - "I Know Who Holds Tomorrow"
- “All Prayed Up” - Vince Gill with Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
- Big Daddy Weave - "Redeemed"
- Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - "I Find Jesus"
- Larry Gatlin - "Lay Them Down"
- Andrae Crouch - "The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power"
- Randy Travis - "Baptism" [Live]
- "Without Him" - Redeemed Quartet
- "He Hideth My Soul" - Guy Penrod
- "Wonderful Merciful Savior" - The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
- MercyMe - "God With Us"
- Keith Green - "Your Love Broke Through"
- Zach Williams - "Less Like Me"
- "He's Gettin' Me Ready" - Darin & Brooke Aldridge
- Doug Oldham - "The Longer I Serve Him"
- Newsboys - "He Reigns"
- The Collingsworth Family - "Blood of Jesus"
- "City On Our Knees" - Toby Mac
- Bryan Duncan - "Love You with my Life"
- Joey+Rory - "I'll Fly Away"
- The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir - "Total Praise"
- Matthew West - "Forgiveness"
- Building 429 - "We Won't Be Shaken"
- Tim Menzies - "Lies The Devil Told Me"
- Cody Johnson - "His Name Is Jesus"
- "Without Him" - Mylon LeFevre
- Barry McGuire - "Anyone but Jesus"
- Casting Crowns - "Only Jesus"
- "Children of The Living God" - Fernando Ortega
- Shane & Shane - "How Great Thou Art"
- "I Will Sing of My Redeemer" - Fernando Ortega
- Steven Curtis Chapman - "For The Sake Of The Call"
- Steve Brock - "I Worship You Almighty God"
- Lenny LeBlanc - "There Is None Like You"
- "Here I Am to Worship" - Phillips, Craig and Dean
- Gabriela Rocha, Cece Winans - "Believe For It"
- Maranatha Singers - "Thy Word" with lyrics
- "Waiting For Your Love To Come Down" - Susan Ashton
- "My Jesus, I Love Thee" - Anthem Lights
- Maranatha Music - "Humble Yourself"
- Jo Dee Messina - "Bigger Than This"
- "Speak Life" - Toby Mac
- Keith Green - "Create in me a Clean Heart"
- Gaither Vocal Band - "Gentle Shepherd"
- "Run Away" - Steven Curtis Chapman
- "Set Your Mind on Things Above" - Dallas Holm
- "I Believe" - Dion & the Belmonts
- Marilyn McCoo - "The Me Nobody Knows"
- Billy Sprague - "Waiting For The Day"
- "Surely Goodness And Mercy" - Congregational
- Don Moen - "Give Thanks"
- Big Tent Revival - "Faith of a Little Seed"
- Charlie Daniels - "Walkin' In Jerusalem"
- Susan Ashton - "Walk On By"
- Dick & Mel Tunney - "God's Love Never Changes"
- Dallas Holm - "Be My Shelter"
- The Gaithers - "O, the Blood of Jesus" - Medley
- Shenandoah - "Revival"
- Building 429 - "We Won't Be Shaken" (LIVE)
- The Living Stones Quartet - "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus"
- Chris Tomlin - "Is He Worthy?"
- "Revive Us Again" - The Statlers
- Maranatha Singers - "We Choose The Fear Of The Lord"
- Casting Crowns - "Courageous"
- "Basics of Life" - 4-Him
- "Have Faith In God" - Congregational
- Charlie Peacock - "In the Light"
- Lauren Daigle - "Trust In You"
- Keith & Kristyn Getty - "In Christ Alone (LIVE)"
- Crystal Lewis - "People Get Ready"
- Geoff Moore - "The Everlasting"
- Jimmy Fortune - "I Believe"
- "My Jesus I Love Thee" - Meredith Andrews
- Francesca Battistelli - "Strangely Dim"
- "One Second Chance" - Jeff Bates
- Kim Walker-Smith - "I Exalt Thee"
- "When God Ran" - Benny Hester
- "One Prayer Away" - Brian Barrett
- Maranatha! Music - "Seek Ye First"
- Don Moen - "Shout to the Lord"
- "Jesus Hold My Hand" - Vern Gosdin
- "We’ll Work ‘Til Jesus Comes" - Congregational
- "My Hope is in You" - Aaron Shust
- "I Have Decided To Follow Jesus" - Third Day
- "Hallelujah" - Cassandra Star & sister Callahan
- Travis Greene - "Be Still"
- Glen Campbell - "Try A Little Kindness Live"
- "Peace Give I To Thee" - Maranatha Singers
- "I am Thine O Lord" - Mass Choir
- Wes Hampton - "Great Is Thy Faithfulness"
- Jimmy Swaggart - "No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus"
- The Winans - "A Friend"
- Brooks & Dunn - "Believe"
- Big Daddy Weave - "All Things New"
- "Get Together" - David And The Giants
- Barry McGuire - Love Is (1973)
- Ty England - "Backslider's Prayer"
- Mylon LeFevre - "Closer Than A Friend"
- "The Battle Belongs To The Lord" - Maranatha! Music
- Alan Jackson - "In The Garden"
- "Bigger Than Life" - Paul Smith
- "In The Presence Of Jehovah" - Terry MacAlmon
- "Does Jesus Care" (Live) - The Gaither Bunch
- "I Will Wait for You" - Keith & Kristyn Getty
- "Draw Me Into Your Presence" - Maranatha Singers
- "Barabbas" - Jason Eady
- The Isaacs - "Walk On"
- Bill & Gloria Gaither - "Holy Spirit, Thou Art Welcome"
- Michael W. Smith - "Here I Am to Worship"
- "We The Kingdom" - Light of the World
- Fernando Ortega - "Give Me Jesus"
- "Open The Eyes Of My Heart" | Paul Baloche
- "God of Wonders" - Bryan White
- George Jones - "Just a Little Talk With Jesus"
- Barry McGuire- "You've Heard His Voice"
- "My Help" - Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
- Keith Green - "Oh Lord You're Beautiful"
- "When I Was Ready to Listen" - Chuck Girard
- "Light of the World" - [Lyric Video] Lauren Daigle
- Love & The Outcome - "He Is With Us"
- Petra - "Thankful Heart"
- Casting Crowns - "Great Are You Lord" (Live)
- Twila Paris - "The Joy Of The Lord"
- Ethel Waters - "His Eye Is On The Sparrow"
- Alan Jackson - "Amazing Grace"
- Love Song - "Two Hands"
- Hopper, Pritchard, Lambert - "Higher Ground"
- "People Need the Lord" - Steve Green
- Sandi Patty - "Praise Medley"
- DC Talk - "The Hard Way"
- Anne Wilson - "Living Water"
- Guy Penrod - "Down At The Cross"
- Chelsea Moon & Franz Bros. - "Trust and Obey"
- Phil Driscoll - "Talk About It"
- Phil Wickham - "This Is Amazing Grace"
- Bill Gaither - "The Family Of God"
- B.J. Thomas - "Home Where I Belong"
- Deniece Williams - "Wings Of An Eagle"
- Brandon Heath - "I'm Not Who I Was"
- Jeremy Camp - "Christ In Me"
- Joey+Rory - "The Old Rugged Cross"
- Hezekiah Walker - "Every Praise"
- Lisa Bevill - "Hold On"
- Imperials - "I Will Follow You"
- "My Redeemer is Faithful and True" - Steven Curtis Chapman
- John Starnes - "More About Jesus"
- Kim Hill - "Secret Place"
- "I Am Not Ashamed" - Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
- "Give Thanks" - Janella Salvador
- "Jesus Is Coming Soon" - The Emmanuel Quartet
- "Emmanuel & Come Thou Long Expected Jesus" - The Petersens
- "The Greatest is Love" - John Michael Talbot
- Maranatha - "The Battle Belongs to the Lord"
- Chuck Girard - "Return to Your First Love"
- Paul Overstreet - "Heroes"
- Michael English - "In Christ Alone"
- Maranatha Singers - "Here Am I, Send Me"
- "Like A Child" - Jars of Clay LIVE in Lubbock
- "Slow Fade" - Casting Crowns
- "Send Me" - Jenn Johnson
- Mo Pitney - "Give Me Jesus"
- Darlene Zschech - "Here I Am Send Me"
- "No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus" - Stamps Quartet
- "The Blood" - Andrae Crouch & Friends
- Big Daddy Weave - "The Only Name"
- "Who Is Like The Lord" - Lenny LeBlanc
- "Fairest Lord Jesus" - Paul Baloche
- "Near the Cross" - The Petersens
- "For The Sake Of The Call" - Steven Curtis Chapman
- Fortune/Walker/Rogers/Isaacs - "The Lighthouse"
- Billy & Sarah Gaines - "Always Triumphant"
- "Light Your World" - Newsong
- Kari Jobe - "We Are"
- "Love is" - Barry McGuire and Leon Boe
- Sandi Patty - "No Other Name But Jesus"
- "Nothing Can Seperate Us" - Al Denson
- Jason Crabb - "When He Was On the Cross"
- 7eventh Time Down - "God Is On The Move"
- Bill & Gloria Gaither - "The Family of God"
- Larry Norman - "The Outlaw"
- MercyMe "You Are I Am" (LIVE)
- Rich Mullins - "The Just Shall Live"
- Steven Curtis Chapman - "His Strength Is Perfect"
- "Revelation Song" - Susan Ashton
- Josh Turner - "Swing Low Sweet Chariot"
- Casting Crowns - "2nd Opinions"
- Shane & Shane - "Holy, Holy, Holy"
- Russ Taff - "Hold to God's Unchanging Hand"
- Lauren Daigle - "You Say"
- "Lord of All" - First Call
- Casting Crowns - "Crazy People"
- Teays Valley Baptist - "Peace, Wonderful Peace"
- Chuck Girard - "When I Was Ready to Listen"
- Graham Kendrick - "Knowing You"
- "Revelation" - Third Day
- Francesca Battistelli - "God Is Good"
- "Better Is One Day" - Martin Chalk
- The Petersens - "Sweet Beulah Land"
- Dottie Rambo - "We Shall Behold Him"
- 4 Him - "Where There is Faith"
- Michael W Smith: "Love One Another"
- Andrea Bocelli - "The Lord's Prayer"
- Lenny LeBlanc - "We All Bow Down"
- "God Of Wonders" - Mac Powell
- We The Kingdom & Tasha Cobbs Leonard – "Holy Water"
- Kim Collingsworth - "Swingin' & Marchin'"
- Brian Anderson & Santiago Garza - “Power in the Blood”
- Cece Winans - “Give Thanks”
- "How Long" - Greg Long and Margaret Becker
- "Have Thine Own Way Lord" - The Singing Contractors
- Brandon Camphor & One Way - "God Of Mercy"
- Casting Crowns - "Voice Of Truth"
- Jordan Feliz - "Jesus Is Coming Back"
- Matt Redman - 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)
- Deniece Williams - "His Eye is on The Sparrow"
- Marty Stuart - "This Little Light of Mine"
- The Isaacs - "Blessed Assurance"
- John Starnes - "It Is Finished"
- Sue Dodge - "Showers of Blessing"
- Billy Dean & Susan Ashton - "In The Garden"
- Ashley Cleveland - "Revive Us Again"
- Keith Green - "My Eyes Are Dry"
- Casting Crowns - "Does Anybody Hear Her"
- TobyMac - "Lose My Soul"
- "I'll Fly Away" - Cotton Pickin Kids
- “The Goodness” - TobyMac
- Marty Raybon - "Get Up in Jesus' Name"
- Jimmy Swaggart - "Just a Closer Walk With Thee"
- Bill & Gloria Gaither - "Redeemed"
- "Dr. Jesus" - Randy Travis
- Keith Green - "Trials Turn To Gold"
- Twila Paris - "God Is In Control"
- Chapman & McCrary - "This God That We Worship"
- Maranatha! Music - "Thy Loving Kindness"
- All Things New - "New Man"
- Maranatha Singers - "Jesus, Your Name"
- Third Day - "Cry Out To Jesus"
- Andrew Ripp - "Jericho"
- Wes King - "Do You Tremble"
- Gaither Vocal Band - "Thanks to Calvary"
- Zach Williams - "Chain Breaker"
- Jeff & Sherry Easter - "John Saw"
- Amy Grant - "Better Than A Hallelujah"
- Francesca Battistelli - "Holy Spirit You Are Welcomed Here"
- "Just A Closer Walk With Thee" - Foggy Mountain Boys
- "Something About That Name" · The Cathedrals
- Rev Timothy Wright - "Oh, How I Love Jesus"
- Michael James - "The Harder the Wind Blows"
- The Golden Gate Quartet - "Joshua Fit The Battle Of Jericho"
- Dallas Holm - "All I Know"
- "Amazing Grace" Flashmob
- "Baptize Us With Your Love" - Unity Praise Band
- "Here We Are" - Dallas Holm
- "Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross" - The Patrick Family
- "Breathe on Me" - Hymn # 483
- "Faithful" - Ken Copeland
- Gaither Vocal Band - "He Touched Me"
- Baylor Wilson - "Joy Comes in the Morning"
- Lenny LeBlanc - "There is None Like You"
- Keith & Kristyn Getty - "Living Waters"
- Maria Jenkins - "Oh Magnify The Lord!"
- Freddie Hart - "Where He Leads Me I Will Follow"
- George Beverly Shea - "Just As I Am"
- Betty Jean Robinson - "Aint No Grave"
- "Dan Peek" - Doer Of The Word
- "Sheltered in the Arms of God" - The Gaither Bunch
- Tim Pettigo - "Holy Ground"
- "Redeemed" - Fountainview Academy
- Dallas Holm - "Heart O' Mine"
- David Phelps - "No More Night"
- "Long Look" - Sandi Patty
- "Nothing But The Blood" - The Gaither Bunch
- FBC Atlanta - "He Lives"
- Choir - "Praise Him, Jesus My Blessed Redeemer"
- More Than Wonderful -Sandi Patty & Larnelle Harris
- Kathy Troccoli - "Psalm 34"
- "Oh My Soul" - Casting Crowns
- "Down In The River To Pray" - Brandenberger Sisters
- "My Tribute (To God Be The Glory)" - Andrae Crouch
- "Love Song for a Savior" - Jars of Clay
- Natalie Grant - "Clean”
- Chuck Wagon Gang – “I Love to Tell the Story”
- The Singing Contractors – “Because He Lives”
- Liberty University - "The Goodness of God"
- Michael W. Smith - "I Miss the Way"
- Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - "Will the Circle Be Unbroken"
- "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" - George Beverly Shea
- "Give Thanks" - Janella Salvador
- John Michael Talbot - "Healer Of My Soul"
- Marshall Hall & Friends - "Bringing in the Sheaves"
- Ricky Skaggs - "Wings Of A Dove"
- The Statler Brothers - "When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder"
- Amy Grant - "Thy Word (Live)"
- Fountainview Academy - "Faith is the Victory"
- Anthem Lights Band - "My Jesus I Love Thee"
- Smokie, The Martins and McClurkin - "It Is Well With My Soul"
- "Testify To Love" - Wynonna Judd
- Alan Jackson - Are You Washed In The Blood"
- "AWESOME GOD" - Michael W. Smith
- Ricky Skaggs - "My Father's Son"
- Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver - "Just Over in Heaven"
- "The Old Rugged Cross Made the Difference" - Alleuia
- "Baptize Us With Your Love" - Maranatha Singers
- Gary Morris - "Love Lifted Me"
- Michael W. Smith - "Agnus Dei"
- Fernando Ortega "Sing to Jesus"
- "I’ll Fly Away" - By Alabama
- Jo Dee Messina - "That's God"
- Phillips Craig Dean - "Great I Am"
- "This Little Light of Mine" - Billy Graham & Friends
- Travis Greene - "Be Still"
- "Sunday Sermons" - Anne Wilson
- "At Calvary" - The Collingsworth Family
- "I'll Fly Away" - Ransomed Bluegrass
- "He Touched Me" - The Isaacs
- Tim Menzies - "Workin' on a Buildin'"
- Michael W. Smith - "Cross Of Gold (Live)"
- The Kingsmen - "Love Lifted Me"
- Dailey & Vincent - "I Am Resolved"
- Ricky Skaggs - "Wings Of A Dove"
- "Softly and Tenderly" - Fountainview Academy
- Imperials - "His Name Is Wonderful"
- Clarance Fountain-Sam Butler - "Do What The Lord Say Do"
- Ronnie Bowman - "Three Rusty Nails"
- Tasha Cobbs Leonard - "God So Loved"
- Carroll Roberson - "Just a Closer Walk With Thee"
- "Count Your Blessings" - London Fox Singers
- "Above All / There Is None Like You" - Lenny LeBlanc
- "Baptize Us With Your Love" - Maranatha Singers
- Crystal Gayle - "Someday"
- Shane and Shane - "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus"
- The Collingsworth Family - "At Calvary"
- Andrae Crouch - "Through It All"
- Vestal Goodman - "There Is a Fountain"
- What A Friend We Have In Jesus - yohan Kim
- Steve Brock - "Leaving On My Mind"
- The Battle Belongs To The Lord (with lyrics) - John Michael Talbot
- Brad Paisley - "When We All Get to Heaven"
- Kathy Troccoli - "My Life Is In Your Hands"
- Phillips, Craig & Dean and Kari Jobe - Revelation Song
- Larnelle Harris - "All Year Long"
- Bebe & Cece Winans - "Silent Night, Holy Night"
- "Little Drummer Boy" - for KING & COUNTRY
- "Angels We Have Heard On High" - Russ Taff
- Geoff Moore | Steven Curtis Chapman - Listen To Our Hearts
- "The Angels Cried" - Alan Jackson | Alison Krauss
- "Jesus Paid It All" - Kim Walker-Smith
- One day at a time - 93 Year Old Woman
- Gaither Vocal Band - Can't Stop Talking About Him
- Redeemed Quartet - "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms"
- Redeemed Quartet - "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms"
- Maranatha - "He Is Worthy"
- 2nd Chapter Of Acts - "My Jesus I Love Thee"
- Lily Weatherford - "Wonderful Peace"
- Joey+Rory - "I Surrender All (Live)"
- Kari Jobe - "We Are"
- Green & Taylor - "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing"
- Ernie Haase & Signature Sound - Oh,What A Savior
- Kari Jobe - "I Am Not Alone"
- Michael Card - Know You In The Now / Could It Be
- The Oak Ridge Boys - "I'd Rather Have Jesus"
- We The Kingdom - Child Of Love
- Phillips, Craig & Dean - You're Still God
- Fernando Ortega - See Amid The Winter Snow
- Lauren Daigle - "How Can It Be"
- Rascal Flatts - "He Ain't the Leavin' Kind"
- Jimmy Swaggart - "Fill My Cup Lord"
- Jason Crabb - "When He Was On the Cross"
- "Open The Eyes Of My Heart" - Randy Travis
- "Your Kindness" - Leslie Phillips
- "The faithful love of Jesus" - Don Poythress/Ricky Skaggs
- The Martins - "The Promise"
- "One Day at A Time" - Cristy Lane
- Cornerstone Church - "I’d Rather Have Jesus"
- Gaither Bunch - "When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder"
- Don Moen - "Grace Greater Than Our Sin"
- Francesca Battistelli - "He Knows My Name"
- Maranatha! Singers - "Father, I Adore You"
- Tennessee Ernie Ford - "Reach Out To Jesus"
- "Be Glorified" - Ron Kenoly
- David Crowder - "I Saw the Light" and "I'll Fly Away"
- Josh Turner - "Long Black Train"
- The Isaacs - "Does Jesus Care?"
- Maranatha! - "I Love You Lord"
- Terry MacAlmon - "Thou Art Worthy"
- Larry Gatlin, Kim Hopper - "Life's Railway To Heaven"
- Cliff Barrows - "Blessed Assurance"
- Guy Penrod - "Because He Lives"
- "Center Of My Life" - Dion Dimucci
- "Just As I Am" - Mahalia Jackson
- "I Can't Even Walk" - Jessy Dixon, & the Gaithers
- BeBe Winans And Marvin Winans - "Love Lifted Me"
- "I Am Thine, O Lord" - Orquestra Bless
- "I'll Fly Away" - The Statler Brothers
- Fernando Ortega - "My Worth Is Not in What I Own"
- The Mississippi Mass Choir - "You Rescued Me"
- Keith Green - Your Love Broke Through
- Sisters - "I Surrender All"
- Maverick City - "Sufficient For Today"
- Ron Kenoly - We Shall Behold Him (Live)
- Hometown Nazareth - "Lord I Lift Your Name On High"
- Kelly Willard - "I Cast All My Cares Upon You"
- Meredith Andrews - "Open Up The Heavens"
- Cece Winans - "The Goodness of God"
- Larnelle Harris - "But God"
- Virtual Choir - "Sing Hallelujah to the Lord"
- Jimmy Swaggart - The Old Rugged Cross Made The Difference
- George Beverly Shea I'd Rather Have Jesus
- Britt Nicole "All This Time" LIVE
- Plumb - "Great Is Our God"
- Geoff Moore - The Keeper
- Stand - Donnie McClurkin and Marvin Winans
- Jon Gibson | Friend In You
- The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir - "Jesus Messiah"
- "Just A Little Talk With Jesus"-Oak Ridge Boys, Marty Stuart
- MercyMe - "Even If"
- Passion - "Whom Shall I Fear"
- Michael W. Smith Ft. Israel Houghton - Help is on the way
- Soon | Bellevue Baptist Church Special
- George Jones - "Brush Arbors By The Side Of The Road"
- Grace Brumley - "Jesus Loves You"
- Vern Gosden - Way Down Deep
- Bradley Walker, Joey Feek - In The Time That You Gave Me
- Andrea Bocelli and Alison Krauss - Amazing Grace
- Evan Craft, Redimi2, Danny Gokey - Be Alright
- Todd Agnew Grace Like Rain LIVE
- George Beverly Shea - "The Old Rugged Cross"
- Johnny Cash and Friends - "This Train"
- Chuck Girard Band "Sometimes Alleluia"
- Tanya Goodman Sykes - "That Old-Time Religion"
- Maranatha Singers - Unto Thee O Lord
- Pat Barrett (feat. Chris Tomlin) - Build My Life
- Ricky Skaggs & The Whites - The Solid Rock
- WJU Choir & Orchestra | My Feet Are on the Rock
- Ricky Skaggs and Patty Loveless - "Daniel Prayed"
- Jamie Wilson - I Can't Even Walk
- Do Lord - Meyer Bluegrass Band
- One More Soul - Dallas Holm
- Goodness Of God - Cece Winans
- Kenneth Copeland -- He is Jehovah
- Great Is Thy Faithfulness | Austin Stone Worship
- Sandi Patty - How Great Thou Art
- >Delta Rhythm Boys "Dem Dry Bones"
- Jeff & Sheri Easter - Thread of Hope
- Greater Vision Quartets. The Longer I Serve Him
- The Ball Brothers - It's About the Cross
- Lauren Daigle - How Great Thou Art
- Irelynn signing “You Say” by Lauren Daigle
- The Isaacs - "The Love of God"
- David Crowder Band - How He Loves
- All Things Are Possible - Hillsong Worship
- Why Me Lord Story - Told and Sung by Kris Kristofferson
- Johnny Cash - Do Lord
- "This Little Light of Mine" - Psalty the Singing Song Book
- Leslie Jordan ft. Chris & Morgane Stapleton - "Farther Along"
- Larry Norman - I Wish We'd All Been Ready
- Chuck Girard Band "Sometimes Alleluia"
- Natalie Grant - To God Be The Glory
- Wintley Phipps - It Is Well With My Soul
- Guy Penrod - The Old Rugged Cross
- Tennessee Ernie Ford - Poor Wayfaring Stranger
- The Stamps Quartet - Sweet, Sweet Spirit
- Steven Curtis Chapman - For The Sake Of The Call
- KingsPorch - I Speak Jesus
- Ocean - Put Your Hand In The Hand (1971)
- Nothing Between - Neville Peters
- Early Sons Of The Pioneers - Power In The Blood (1937)
- The Church Sisters - In The Garden
- Gaither Vocal Band - One Voice/Where No One Stands Alone
- Shane McConnell, Larry Ford - I Will Sing of My Redeemer
- I've Got A River of Life - Cory Asbury, Jaye Thomas
- I Know Who Holds Tomorrow - The Petersens
- The Statler Brothers - "Til the Storm Passes By"
- Charles Johnson, The Revivers - I Can't Even Walk
- The Cathedrals - Ready To Go
- Triumphant Quartet - Hallelujah
- Marvelous Grace | Fountainview Academy
- 38 Special & Trace Adkins perform together Muddy Water
- Amy Grant - Grown-Up Christmas List
- Danny Gokey - Mary, Did You Know?
- John Berry Oh Holy Night